Apr 18, 2019 | Board of Directors Message, Community News, Membership |
Social media platforms are diverse and branch depending on our interests, some are for general communication, others are geared towards experts and politicians and some specialise in business. But not all of these platforms have real social benefit, let alone scandals...
Apr 17, 2019 | Board of Directors Message, Community News, Membership |
Today is the golden age of startups, as they become the target of many, such as those fleeing the havoc of traditional jobs, as well as others who wish to pursue their own experience and entrepreneurial adventure. But as soon as the entrepreneur begins his career, and...
Apr 17, 2019 | Media Coverage, Profile |
Today, nobody disputes the importance of e-commerce. It makes people’s lives better and links east and west. Anyone can purchase any goods from anywhere in the world. This increased reliance on e-commerce and it being consumers’ first choice to shop, made it...
Nov 19, 2018 | Chapter News, Events |
The Syrian International Business Assosiation (SIBA) will be attending The Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) annual event between 19-22 November 2018 in Gaziantep, Turkey. The conference will aim to: Demonstrate achievement and progress of regional network...
Oct 15, 2018 | Chapter News |
Germany opened its doors to refugees and supported them to start a new life in their new home. A part of this support are a few organizations that raced to help refugees and especially the entrepreneurs among them to support their projects and ideas and developing it...
Sep 26, 2018 | Community News |
Anyone who visited the old city of Damascus must have visited Souq Al-Sagha, or the Jewelry Market the, located between Al-Buzuriyah Souq and the Umayyad Mosque. Shops on both sides of the Jewelry Market are bustling with people, especially women before their...
Aug 28, 2018 | Chapter News |
The Syrian International Business Association (SIBA) held its second webinar on Saturday the 21st of July, 2018. This webinar discussed SIBA’s bylaws and key achievements in the first year of operation. During the webinar, a light was shone on SIBA’s proposed plans...
Aug 20, 2018 | Community News |
Within our framework of expansion in countries where Syrian contingencies reside, we are pleased to announce the official registration of the Syrian International Business Association officially in Gaziantep, Turkey on 14/07/2018. This dubs SIBA an official seal of...