Oct 19, 2017 | Board of Directors Message |
Dear colleagues, This is our second newsletter for SIBA since its inception and we apologize for the delay. We had planned that our newsletter would be more frequent but have been busy building our internal structures, our by-laws, the relationship with the chapters,...
Oct 7, 2017 | Membership |
SIBA was created to represent and empower the Syrian business and nonprofit community outside Syria. In order for SIBA to effectively serve the community, we are looking for input from Syrians globally. If you are of Syrian ancestry, and are willing to take 3 minutes...
Oct 7, 2017 | Board of Directors Message |
As a membership organization, we are here to deliver services to our members, facilitate the exchange of services among them and engage other stakeholders globally. To do so effectively, we are adopting a communication strategy to reach and engage a global community....
Aug 5, 2017 | Media Coverage |
A round-up of all posts in the media about SIBA is available in our press room. We scanned them and offered below a correction for information published without referral back to SIBA official representatives. Alhayat newspaper published an article on 14th of July 2017...
Aug 3, 2017 | Board of Directors Message |
Dear Fellow Members, First of all, I would like to congratulate you and the wider Syrian Business Community all over the world, who have supported and indeed implemented the formation of SIBA. From a small idea only a few months ago into an established organisation...
Aug 3, 2017 | Membership |
We are overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response of the Syrian global community; since the announcement of SIBA’s establishment last month, we have received countless communications through phone, email, social media and other channels. Many wanted to know how SIBA...
Aug 3, 2017 | Community News |
Our community is our reason to exist! One of our main objectives is to foster connections among our members. We will feature a member of the SIBA community regularly on our blog and newsletter. We open the series with an interview with Mazen Obeido, who delighted us...
Aug 3, 2017 | Chapter News |
As a global organization SIBA is keen on engaging and supporting a wide constituency. To that end, the founding members of the organization opted to utilize chapters to reach as many as possible. Here are questions about chapters answered from the constituting...