As a global organization SIBA is keen on engaging and supporting a wide constituency. To that end, the founding members of the organization opted to utilize chapters to reach as many as possible. Here are questions about chapters answered from the constituting statutes relevant to chapters:
- What is a chapter? A minimum of 15 individuals may decide to organize themselves into a “Chapter” of SIBA to conduct activities with respect to the operationalization of SIBA’s goals, and centered either on a specific topic or location.
- What is the role of the chapter? Each Chapter would be expected to initiate and sustain membership recruitment and retention efforts at the local level and develop and implement a plan of activities over a specific period for the benefit of its members. These activities may include, but not be limited to, networking, communication and relationship building with other local actors including government, the promotion of local business partnerships, capacity building and training, information provision, and improved access to finance.
- What other activities can a chapter engage in? The Chapter would also be expected to explore avenues for innovative partnerships with existing local organisations from the public or private sector and/or from the international community.
- How is a chapter established? Prospective Chapters would apply to become a SIBA Chapter according to a specific application process that is filed with SIBA management. Any Chapter must comply with all formal requirements for registering their chapter.
- Can a chapter have legal status in a local jurisdiction? If SIBA believes it to be a good idea, an independent association may also be recognized as a Chapter within a specific jurisdiction where it will function and abide by the appropriate jurisdictional laws.
- Do chapters come up with their own policies and operating procedures? Chapters would be expected to abide by the same or similar principles and processes guiding the activities of SIBA including transparency, accountability and communications, as well as the local prevailing regulations. They would be subject to verification by SIBA’s Board of Directors on an ongoing basis, based on an assessment of their operating procedures and degree of alignment with SIBA goals. Chapters would be expected to submit an annual report of activities to the Board of Directors for review and discussion as well as an annual set of financial statements.
- How to apply to create a chapter? Submit an email to