It is the start-up era without a doubt. Whether you look at its numbers or the interest it receives, it certainly is the age of startups. These startups have branched into all sorts of sectors, traditional and modern.
The wave of startups started in the West, but soon Arab initiators and entrepreneurs joined in. They started their own businesses and entered into the world of startups, whether to escape the havoc of traditional jobs or because of the large sums of money being invested in these startups, especially in the technology sector.
But there are several obstacles between Arab entrepreneurs and their dreams. The most important of these is that the Arab environment in general still lacks the necessary expertise to support this sector of business, which deprives it of major deals except in very rare cases.
One of the obstacles is the lack of a qualified and experienced teams to manage this type of business, whether in business or management, or at the technical level as well as marketing. This is why many wonderful ideas fail while young.
Based on this need, Takwin was established in 2016 to support entrepreneurship in Istanbul, and has set in motion the establishment of supporting entities for startups in the Arab world.
The company works to support entrepreneurs, ideas and initiatives in achieving their ambitions through a variety of expertise that help them, from studying the feasibility of their ideas for implementation, market size, planning and product design, to execution and marketing, providing the necessary advice and guidance even after the product is launched.
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Takwin accompanies startups
As we said Takwin accompanies projects through the diverse expertise of their team throughout its life from the stage of the idea, to the last stages, through many services such as:
1. Business Design:
Studying of the idea and field, market study, study of competitors, the development of business model, and the graphical layout of the product prototype.
2 – Product Design:
Design of identity, detailed product planning, interface design, feasibility studies, characterization and planning of the technical structure.
3 – Design Strategy:
This includes business strategy, marketing strategy, a starting plan and market entry, as well as a financing plan.
4. Execution & Services Management:
Supervising the executive departments and providing specialized support and consultation to serve the project’s objectives, as well as supervising the implementation of strategic plans according to modern innovation methodologies.
Takwin for development
Today, it is almost impossible to have a startup without getting online, either through a website or through an mobile app, and in many cases the two options together; this is what led to the establishment of Takwin for Development, one of the Takwin group companies specialising in high quality web sites and web application platforms, as well as mobile apps, through a unique team and partnership with a number of creative developers around the world.
The composition of the Takwin for Development provides unique excellence in its services, through sophisticated management techniques for technical projects, in addition to its contribution to the development of business in cooperation with the rest of the teams in Tawkin.
TAkwin depends on Agile Methodology, a methodology that focuses on building the product across multiple stages and in short periods of time. Each stage produces a distinct product with additional characteristics. In addition, the customer is kept informed of the progress of the project.
Quality assurance of projects
In order to ensure the quality of the projects, Takwin adopts a system known as the User Acceptance Test. The customer performs the necessary tests to ensure that the part that is required to be tested is working as required before moving on to the next stage.
The quality assurance team will also test all the tasks and conduct the technical experiments at all levels.
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Takwin for marketing
You will not gain anything if you manufacture a product without advertising it, and here comes the role of marketing, which is one of the most important stages of a project. This is what called for the addition of (Takwin for Marketing) to the series of companies, a company that provides specialized services for emerging companies, depending on the stages of the startup, these services are as follows:
1. Early Stage Partner
This action plan includes the following services:
- Developing the Online Identity
- Planning market communication
- Early Traction campaigns
- Increase and measure the number of visitors
- Getting pre-orders
- Creating database databases marketing automation
2. Market penetration (Growth Partner)
This action plan includes the following services:
- Start-up mentality
- Clearly defined objectives
- Effective positioning
- Optimizing Tools & Techniques
- Data and analytics
- Creative engagement channel exploitation
3. Full Marketing Partnership
The marketing services are comprehensive from the launch of the company, through all marketing and business activities, all within action plans that suit startups and the nature of the work of each company separately.
One of the founders of Takwin, Syrian entrepreneur Samer Kanjo, notes that through the various services package, Takwin Group seeks to empower the leading companies in the Middle East to reach the world by creating a creative and professional environment based on the latest methodologies in project management. Success and universality are not limited to specific companies or countries, but they are possible with correct scientific methodologies, and constant knowledge of the experiences of successful and entrepreneurs around the world.
You can visit the team’s website or email them at
Takwin has a clear message to transfer the Arab entrepreneurial experience to the world, and this is what makes us responsible for supporting the efforts of this creative company in order to achieve its goal of seeing Arab projects that match and even surpass those of the world.