Correction to the coverage in All4Syria
All4Syria news website published an article on the 14th of August 2017. The article reported misleading and inaccurate information about SIBA and its objectives. In response to that we offer the following clarification:
- Members of SIBA will be able establish chapters in countries where and when terms and conditions for setting up a chapter are met and fulfilled and the presentation of SIBA will not be only in and limited to the countries had been listed in the article.
- The article referred to its source of information as an establishing person of SIBA. In fact the bylaws and constitution of SIBA do not indicate nor recognize or refer to any individuals as establishing member/s.
- SIBA currently is not engaged in any arrangements with the Syrian business community in diaspora in preparation for the so called “reconstruction program”.
- The Board of Directors of SIBA is the only authorized source of news and information about objectives and plans and the it is only legitimate point of communications.
We would like to remind all our esteemed members and all interested parties that our objectives and plans have been clearly represented on our website We hope that in the future, All4Syria and other news sources connect with our media team prior to publishing content about SIBA